I play Heroclix on a semi-regular basis (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/). Superhero role-playing game with plastic figurines and a battle map. Basically, you and your opponent form two teams of superheroes and villains, and attempt to kick each other's ass. It's a fun game...and if you love superheroes, it's a great way to see Captain America, Superman, and Witchblade in the same place at once without creative companies bickering and art/publishing delays...lol. Here's a quick shot of one of my favorite pieces, a Witchblade Limited Edition:

To give you an idea of scale, that's the corner of my average-sized laptop on the left...and a laptop-mouse (meaning, smaller than the average mouse) on the right. The figures themselves are about 1 inch tall, and the base is about the size of a quarter. Keep this honey healthy and she can rip thru your opponents figures like a hot knife thru butter. And no...they come pre-painted...I didn't do the paint job there...I'm not that talented...lol.
I also enjoy Ed Wood movies...just for their sheer campiness and utter lousyness. In case you don't know who I'm talking about, Ed gave us such spectacular cinema bombs as "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "Glen Or Glenda?" (which had a fairly decent bondage scene or two), and "The Violent Years" (another GREAT bondage scene), among others. Johnny Depp played Ed in a recent film by Tim Burton ("Ed Wood")...you should check it out. Although he did some dramatic licensing with Ed's life, he got it all basically right and it's a really great film. Here's what looks like a pretty good Ed Wood "biography" site if you're interested in knowing more... http://www.phillyburbs.com/edwood/
Comic Books are a passion as well, but a passion that has passed me by. My favorite hero, Spider-Man, has become a shadow of his former greatness...during a plot-driven storyline called, "Civil War", Spidey unmasked to the public. After a series of lame stories, the writers at Marvel realized they'd written themselves into a hole...and basically re-wrote the past few decades of Spidey stories by having him sell out to Mephisto, Marvel Comic's version of the devil. To allow Aunt May to live (she had been shot by a sniper), Spidey would have to give back years of his life...and his marriage to Mary Jane. He did it. Mephisto re-wrote the tapestry of Spidey's life...Spider-Man's secret identity was again a secret, and Aunt May was fine...but my interest hit the cellar. I dropped all my books....they were taking money I could be using to pay models (lol).
Hmmm....I drive a Buick '03 Century. Yes, I said that. OUT LOUD, yet. You can stop laughing now. No, really...it's getting old...you can stop now. Dang it, she's a cool enough lookin' car...
So, OK already...she's not a 'Vette or something...she gets me where I need to go and helps me pick up models when they come in...doesn't that count for something? I do get a chuckle when I pass somebody in a stylish-looking thing, and leave them eating my dust...I laugh and say to myself, "You just got smoked by an old-lady car!"
If I could live on meat and potatoes, I probably would. Oh, and pizza too. Can't leave out Mexican food...or Asian food...or.... OK, I like to eat...period.
I've been an altar boy. Really.
When I was a child, I desperately wanted to be a stage magician.
I'm a techno-nerd and love playing with all the newest toys. I have a decent laptop and a really cool phone (BlackJack II), but constantly look at the new toys out there and want for more...
I don't watch TV all that much since I got the computer. All my favorite shows have been cancelled anyway and I now own most if not all of them on dvd. Short List:
Lynda Carter "Wonder Woman" seasons 1-3; "Melrose Place" Seasons 1-4 (all that's on the marketplace right now); "Pretender" seasons 1-4 and TBS movies; "Highlander" seasons 1-6; the animated "Spider-Man" cartoon (from the 60's...you know the one, "Spider-Man, Spider-Man...does whatever a spider can..."), both seasons; The George Reeves "Superman" show from the '50's, seasons 1-6; "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", seasons 1-7; "Angel", seasons 1-5.
There's more, but I've bored you enough. I'm not the only one out there with a campy side...I had the "Dungeons and Dragons" animated show on dvd when Vivian Ireene Pierce shot with me...that was a show she grew up on and loved...I gave the set to her.
OK, I'm cutting it here...but I reserve the right to edit this and add more when it all comes to me.
TTYL (Talk To Ya Later)!
1 comment:
oooo, yes, One More Day. Controversial stuff, indeed, and yes, it left quite a sour taste in my mouth. Peter's life progresses, why rewind?
Still, while the whole shebang did annoy me, Brand New Day has been wonderful stuff and tis a shame you dropped them. To be honest, I will never drop Spidey, but that's another story.
Ps - lovely blog. Must get the old camera out myself at some point. Just needs ome girls...
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