EGG ON MY FACE!!! LOL...funny how the memory starts to fail once you cross 40. I was just politely reminded that I missed some major details in my post about myself...specifically, the person who NAMED TucsonTied...
But that's getting ahead of myself a bit. Let me set the stage properly...After I discovered the SweeTies Forum board, I began to put in requests to see pics of one specific model posted...Jenniece. As it turns out, there was another fan of hers out there... a LADY fan in Britain, whom I'll call, "Kaz". Kaz sent me a lovely note at my Yahoo Address...she left me her Yahoo address, so I contacted her. We chatted for HOURS at a time...before either of us realized it, 4 or more hours had gone by of blissful chat about bondage in general and who we liked (in rigging style and models) in particular....sometimes we even managed to put in personal stuff as well...lol.
We are of similar age and enjoy most of the same producers...have similar hobbies and enjoy most of the same foods. I hope I'm getting this across properly...I'm meaning to say that we CONNECTED. She's been with me since just about the start...I was calling myself "Bondman39" at the Forum...the "39" meant to signify my age...well, I'm 43 now...you do the math...lol.
2006 rolls around, and I go to FetCon and have a total blast and take a TON of pictures. Well...we're on an IM together and I've just told Kaz that the SweeTies group would like to host me and my pics...the only thing left was a name. Kaz and I bounced around names for what must have been hours...until she just blurted out, "TucsonTied". I think my jaw actually dropped when I heard that, I liked it so much. The name wasn't already taken, so SweeTies acquired it...I sent in a bunch of pics, and the rest as they say is history.
Now...on a more personal level, Kaz is probably my biggest fan. She's been supportive of all my decisions regarding the site and has sent me many a prop to be used for the site...most notably gags. That gal has extraordinary taste in gagging materials, lemme tell you...not to mention a kick ass pair of heels which I have on extended "borrow" so I can continue to use them on my lovely models.
Kaz, sweetheart, here's to you. Your friendship and support has helped me to get where am today...couldn't have done all this without you in my corner. *BIG HUG* Maybe one of these days, either you or I can travel to see the other....;-)
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