That's the best way I can think to describe Kymberly Dang girl wore me
I knew this was gonna be an interesting shoot when she mentioned that she wanted to be tied in unusual places....and mentioned that she'd like to be tied in the bathroom; to the only "chair" there. Toilet-tied? Man, she threw me with that's not like there's arms and legs to a toilet that you can tie limbs But, instead we settled for the closet.
After an interesting expirement with torn bed sheets as a binding material, after which I decided it was ok, but my technique needed work...
we moved on to tying her inside the closet. I'm a BIG dude (6'2" tall, and around 250-265 lbs), so getting in that closet and tying her was a But when I saw the results (the pic at the top of the blog), I was pleased indeed.
After a sidetrack into the world of artsy-fartsy (I'd seen this shot done a few times and liked it...but without the bondage...thought I'd give it a try)
we closed out the shoot with a simple and effective chair tie (no pice edited just yet).
That about covers it...overall it was a fun and energetic shoot...if I'm ever in a depressed kinda mood, I know who to hire to remove it from me...Kym was a ball of energy and a total blast to work with!
Gday Tony.
Love the pics of Kymberly, though she cant be that much of a handful when she is all tied up and gagged.
Nothing wrong with Arty Farty sort of photo. This sort really allows you to let your own imagination run wild. I think this style of photo is sometimes more erotic than some full on, frontal pictures that show you the whole scene.
Just my two cents worth.
Happy bondage.
Emma x
Oh, I know that, Em. I do it on occasion...but that was my first all-out, "Let's stop shooting the DID, I have an artsy idea..." attempt. Returns have been good...I may do that shot with just about everybody. Practice makes perfect, after
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