Welcome again, dear bloggers!
Geez, but I'm tired...this week has been a whirlwind of fun and excitement, with Samantha Grace and Kimberly Marvel stopping in for a visit and shoot. This one left me realizing how much a few years can change you...2 years ago at my first FetCon, I shot with 12 models, almost back-to-back...last year, I think I upped that to 13. This week...I shot with 2 in a three day period...and I sit at my computer completely exhausted. Don't get me wrong, gang...it wasn't them by any means!! They were perfect and did fantastically at the work...I'm just an old guy, feeling every bit his age. But then again...like I said last blog, 2 producers shot in my tiny apartment and we were constantly moving furnature in order to clear out better shooting areas....yup, that's it. I'm not old, I'm just not cut out to work for U-Haul (lol)! OK, I feel better now...on to the pics.
My time with Samantha started with a two-model set with Kimberly...the theme was, more or less, "roomies surprised at bedtime by a burglar"...
Definitely got what I was looking for here...aren't they great together? Next, Samantha and I shot the set accompanying the pic at the top of the blog...the lady truly knows the art of "seducing the camera", no? My lens almost melted from the hotness she was generating...
After that we did some bikini shots (and for those, dear blogger, you're gonna have to be patient and wait for them to come out on TucsonTied...), then moved on to the rope dress...
Got it 99% right (just like with Kimberly), and I know now where I keep on going wrong. When you open the first diamond shape, you pull the rope back and knot it behind the model to avoid the ropes opening up at the top like they did here. However, I LOVE this and the shots Kimberly and I did of this pose...in both cases (despite that small gaff), the shots are wonderful.
We closed out our time with a pose that is fast becoming a favorite amongst the models I work with. The first time I did it, with model Pantera, she exclaimed, "SWEET!!" as I pulled her hands under her legs to tie them off (a funny by-product of that was that for the next week-and-a-half, every time I saw or did something I liked, I wound up saying "SWEET" as well...lol). Here's Samantha's turn at the pose...
Samantha was no different...she LOVED this pose. No new catch phrases came about this time, tho...lol.
Now, last blog, I mentioned something about Samantha's Yahoo Group (linkage provided...click and JOIN: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/samanthagrace/). During the course of my shoot with Kimberly, she told me that Samantha was going to ask me to help out with the Moderating chores over at her Yahoo Group. Well, not being as shy as I used to be (and really wanting the job!), I just brought it up to Samantha myself...and am now a Moderator over there. Color me proud...and pleased that after one meeting, Samantha had enough trust and faith to even consider me. Now, go JOIN!!!
OK, that's about it for now...I'm gonna go take a nap.
At 7:30 in the evening.
Don't get old, bloggers...it's a bitch. ;-)
1 comment:
Yay! Tony you blogged about me!
Have a lovely day now,
Samantha Grace
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