For my sis...
Hello, bloggers! I like doing these "Model Tribute" blogs...lets you know that the women you see here on my page and on my site are more than just images on a webpage, but real people as well. This one's a little special to me...because of all the women that I've shot with, Angel holds the dearest spot in my heart...she's the most special to me of them all.
Let's see...where to begin? Might just as well start at the beginning...Angel was referred to me by another model. I had met Mercedes at a model networking site called ModelMayhem (you might have heard of it...), and she and I hit it off well, becoming friends. Mercedes knew a few of them was Angel. "Oh, you HAVE to shoot with Angel," Mercedes would tell me, "She'd LOVE working with you, and you'd LOVE working with her!!" As hard as Mercedes was working to make it happen, one look at a particular pic and I was beyond hooked... look at that shot and I knew I wanted to work with this woman. Well, we set it all up and got it in motion...a small shoot to get to know each other better...knock out material, build trust and such.
I was floored. Cute, sweet, happy-go-lucky...and extremely easy to work with. The shoot went by fast...meaning that we had no problems at all...and just left me hungering for more. She was a first-timer to bondage, but you wouldn't have known it...I guess modeling can take you to many a strange place...this was just another one of them for She did famously...and I had some great pics on my hands. I was feeling great!
Time passes. We don't see much of each other in person, but "friend" each other thru instant messaging. The next time we talk, it's thru an IM, and she's wondering if I'm ready to have her back yet. Not just yet...but I know somebody who might be, so I send her a message with the website address. I remember the line she sent me back once she looked at the site verbatim: "Nope...those girls look like they're in PAIN!!" The ironic part is, I now know that photographer personally (I didn't at the time...knew him just by his site)...she was talking about my ol' buddy, Dave
Hello, bloggers! I like doing these "Model Tribute" blogs...lets you know that the women you see here on my page and on my site are more than just images on a webpage, but real people as well. This one's a little special to me...because of all the women that I've shot with, Angel holds the dearest spot in my heart...she's the most special to me of them all.
Let's see...where to begin? Might just as well start at the beginning...Angel was referred to me by another model. I had met Mercedes at a model networking site called ModelMayhem (you might have heard of it...), and she and I hit it off well, becoming friends. Mercedes knew a few of them was Angel. "Oh, you HAVE to shoot with Angel," Mercedes would tell me, "She'd LOVE working with you, and you'd LOVE working with her!!" As hard as Mercedes was working to make it happen, one look at a particular pic and I was beyond hooked... look at that shot and I knew I wanted to work with this woman. Well, we set it all up and got it in motion...a small shoot to get to know each other better...knock out material, build trust and such.
I was floored. Cute, sweet, happy-go-lucky...and extremely easy to work with. The shoot went by fast...meaning that we had no problems at all...and just left me hungering for more. She was a first-timer to bondage, but you wouldn't have known it...I guess modeling can take you to many a strange place...this was just another one of them for She did famously...and I had some great pics on my hands. I was feeling great!
Time passes. We don't see much of each other in person, but "friend" each other thru instant messaging. The next time we talk, it's thru an IM, and she's wondering if I'm ready to have her back yet. Not just yet...but I know somebody who might be, so I send her a message with the website address. I remember the line she sent me back once she looked at the site verbatim: "Nope...those girls look like they're in PAIN!!" The ironic part is, I now know that photographer personally (I didn't at the time...knew him just by his site)...she was talking about my ol' buddy, Dave
My work with Angel rave reviews. So much so that she gets work with an out of state photographer...which, unfortunately, doesn't happen. He had to cancel for some fool reason...we never found out why. While I'm hanging out with Mercedes at a pool hall, we see Angel a lot. Those were good times...they were both dating guys here and there (me, I just stayed static...I need to find a woman who'll put up with my little fetish; harder than you might think), we'd play pool, IM thru messenger...we all just became a part of each other's day to day lives. It was of the better, most peaceful parts of my life.
My second shoot with Angel was also great...I knew I had a winner on my hands (or would that be, "in my clutches", all things, and a good friend. She was even providing me with new models, which was fantastic. "Word Of Mouth" advertising is always the best...especially if it comes from someone who's worked with you before...and knows and backs your safety record. She trusted me enough now to do some lingerie and bondage work. I think Angel is most famous on TucsonTied for her lingerie work...
She talked right thru that red tape gag! Bless her ever-lovin' heart, she yakked with me the entire time I was shooting that set, and I understood every word of it (so much for the effectiveness of red I think she's the only one to date who's done that to me... By the way...check her eyes in that shot...we used to call that, "the stare" hot and seductive. When I tell a gal to "seduce the camera", that's the look I hope she fires off to far Angel is the only one who has it down pat.
Angel and I didn't really begin to bond until it happened. OY, what a moment. I think I first found out while sitting online on my laptop in bed, passing time until I had to get up and head for the "vanilla" job. She made a post to her MySpace page about it...
She was pregnant.
"Stunned" doesn't even describe where I was when I read that. I knew she was seeing a new guy...I think I had even MET him...but this?! WOW. After I gathered myself, I wrote her...we probably spent the next half hour or so messaging back and forth thru MySpace, me doing my best to comfort my friend and probably fumbling over my words miserably. I'd like to think that my being there helped...I certainly hope so.
Over the weeks and months that pass, I'm keeping an extra close eye on Angel. She was a single mom-to-be on her own, and that would eventually mean that working wouldn't be possible. I knew she was going to need help...especially when she found out she was having TWINS...oy. Again, MySpace was the conduit where I found out the news...we had another long chat thru the site. I really, seriously, hope I was comforting to her...I was again so stunned, I didn't know what to say...I really hope talking with me helped.
I think this is the point where we started hanging out daily...the father of the twins was being less of a father and more of a "sperm donor" (you know the type), so I was doing everything I could. Company, shopping escort (nobody with a belly full of twins should be lifting gallons of milk, in my, going with her to doctor appointments, and just being a friend. Don't let me characterize her wrong...she had a full circle of friends who were looking after her too...I was just around every day; she was just that important to me.
Why, you might ask...fair question. all that hanging out together, we (and yes, I appreciate the irony in the term) bonded. Sometime during it all, she looked over at me, and for the first time labeled me, "brother". She told me I was as close to her as a brother. You talk about I was completely honored by that; it's something I still to this day hold in high esteem about myself. To become a lover is one thing, but to have someone take you into their life and make you a part of their FAMILY...incredible. I'd do anything for her...just in the same way I'd do anything for any member of my blood family. Like I say to all who ask...Angel is my sister in every way but blood.
Somewhere in here, I met and befriended another model. I'd hang out with either one or the other...funny enough, for the longest time, I couldn't get them together in the same place at the same time (lol). I thought they'd get along...but they were never in the same place long enough for me to test that. Eventually, we did manage to all get together; time would tell if it was for the better or the worse.....
The birth of the boys was a joyous time...even tho I was on "distract the father" He was a wreck, so Angel asked me to "occupy" the boy until she could get done what needed to be done. LOL...we wound up driving all around town looking for something to do until the boys were born...what a moment, one of the best in my life. Which, as life had it, happened to co-incide with a planned shoot. Man, what a rush that day the hospital one minute, shooting bondage with Kordelia Devonshire the about extremes! At the end of it all, I completely f-king collapsed...but it was one of the most satisfying collapses that I've ever had. Even tho I had done some good work with Kordy, my mind was on Angel and those twins...and the smile on my face as I went to sleep was purely for the fact that I became an "Uncle" that day. I truly felt blessed.
The day we brought home the first of the boys was probably one of the best days of her life...I could see it on her. She was beaming with pride, smiling brighter than anyone I'd ever seen. Have to admit to some major smiling was the best.
Being an "Uncle" meant doing certain things when I visited to help out...making bottles, burping after feedings, babysitting while she made shopping trips...and yes, changing diapers. The big bad bondage rigger actually changed his "nephews" about that one (lol)? And, quite naturally, I was a complete noob about it...geez, did I ever feel stupid when they told me about it...when I put on my first diaper, I put it on the boy BACKWARDS!! OY...lmao.
She kept me away from the messier diapers, doing those herself ("That wouldn't be fair," she'd tell me...thank God for fairness...lmao), but I can now say I have diaper experience. Again, a very happy time in my life...there's nothing quite like holding a baby, having that smiling little face look up at you with joy and twinkles of laughter in his eyes. Until, naturally, that particular nasty smell reaches your nose, letting you know it was time for a change of shorts...;-)
Sometime in here, the other model I mentioned had an event happen...the place where she had her "normal" job closed down. When she got behind on rent and wound up getting evicted, Angel took her in with no thought about it whatsoever. It was good that Angel did it, but looking back now, I wonder if it was the right thing. That gal took advantage of the both of us at every turn (Angel far more than me)... Ah, that's not an exactly pleasant part of this story...I don't like dwelling on it. Basically, I have a lot of guilt where that's concerned....I got them together, and a whole lot of crap came out of it. The only real good thing that came of it is that Angel and I firmly cemented our friendship during this period. I guess with her messing with both of us at every turn, naturally, Angel and I turned to each other to try to sort it all product of which was us becoming even closer than we already were.
We talked about shooting again after the birth of the fate would have it, it never happened...our schedules never seemed to mesh.'ve already got a 10 year old (now 11), then add two bouncing baby boys to the mix...time away from career and motherhood is suddenly a premium....I understood.
Our paths have taken different directions...she's moved to a different part of town, started a new and different life. We still talk at least once a week either thru e-mail or by phone. We're still providing each other that friendship that will probably last a lifetime...she's still extremely close to me even tho she's far away on the other side of Tucson. And she still provides me with a new face to shoot with every now and again...more now than again, actually (meaning quite a bit)...she still looks out for me in that respect. I miss her...miss hanging out at her place all day, eventually hitting the pool hall and getting slaughtered by her at pool (but winning a game or two in between...), but mostly, I miss giving her that hug at the end of the night before heading home. Such a sweetheart...such a wonderful woman.
I love you, sis.
You like doing 'em. I like reading 'em. Not sure what it is, but I get more from an image/set where I know a bit more about a model and her way of life. Not sure why as I'm by no means a nosy bugger, and most things are nowt to do with me or the fanbase.
I guess it just rams home the fact the models are people with interests, talents and humanity - something that I don't believe is acknowledged too much in other adult entertainment. Or perhaps it's just the base reason that seeing a model has a similar taste in music, for example, results in you regarding her favourably, like a girl you may be intersted in at work.
Either ways, good stuff.
Thanks, man! This one was extra-special to me as Angel and I are truly as close as brother and sister. She stopped by my work just the other day...she's chopped her hair off (she was bored, she said...OY!!) to almost above shoulder length...yeesh...and is doing great!
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