And damned if I didn't find nothing BUT wedge heels!
Who decided that wedgies were back in style and didn't tell me, huh? I'm a card carrying wedge heel nut, and have been for years...and now that I'm finally able to walk away for one shopping trip, somebody decides to bring them back? Maddening, let me tell you! ;-)
Seriously, tho...while it did seem like there was nothing but wedgies available, I think I did pretty good. I have three faves when it comes to heels...ankle straps, pumps, and mule slides...which were made mega-popular by Olivia Newton-John at the end of her movie, "Grease". Have a look...did I do good?
I think I did nicely...aren't those little suckers HOT? "Little"...lmao. When I was checking out at the store, the sales gal (who was a cutie...I was half-tempted to give her my business card), looked at the shoes, and with a pout on her face remarked, "I wish my feet were that small." Size 7...yuppers, they are small...and cute too!
Shannon will be wearing those bad girls for me in about 2 hours or so...we have a shoot first for 2009. This should be fun...more after the shoot.
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